door admin | dec 30, 2013 | News
Artvark gaat alweer een nieuw avontuur aan! Het idee achter deze samenwerking is om vier spannende saxofonisten uit Nederland te koppelen aan een superbe ritmesectie uit Frankrijk: Artvark en Stéphane Huchard/ Jérôme Regard. Artvark meandert door muzikale tradities en...
door admin | jun 13, 2010 | News
The next few weeks a lot is happening in Rotterdam (NL) and Artvark is involved with quite some events! Next Friday the 18th of June, Artvark SQ will perform at the closing night of the 41st Poetry International Festival in the main hall of De Rotterdamse Schouwburg....
door admin | jan 8, 2010 | News
Artvark Saxophone Quartet on Opium TV. With special attention by John Buijsman [in Dutch] for the CD presentation of the Artvark Saxophone Quartet in co-oporation with Kees van Kooten.The new album of Artvark “TRuffles” is disc we are really proud of....
door admin | apr 1, 2009 | News
One of world’s best saxophone quartets is busier than they’ve ever been. Recently they performed very succesful with percussion group Anumaduchi, Peter Erskine (Steps Ahead/Weather Report) and Doudou N’Diaye Rose (Miles Davis). There is some footage...